
This game is a version of XRogue 8.0.


XRogue is a further development of Advanced Rogue 7, created by Robert Pietkivitch. He completed this version, numbered 8.0, in 1991 or 1992. Compared to its predecessor, it features interface improvements and small adjustments to the game's balance.

Robert Pietkivitch provided the XRogue source code to the Roguelike Restoration Project and helped with the restoration work. Sadly, he was killed in a car accident on December 3, 2002, leaving an unfinished set of changes.

The Roguelike Restoration Project continued working on XRogue until 2005, when an update numbered 8.0.3 was released.

The Roguelike Gallery began maintaining XRogue in 2015, fixing some bugs related to command repetition and saved games.

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